Tuesday, May 3, 2011

What Sup: Pea, Mint and Exotic Mushroom with Rosmarino

Pea,mint and mushroom with Rosmarino pasta rice.
Great vegetarian meal that will warm you up on a cold evening.
Promise you wont miss meat with this dish!
Fry spring onions and mushrooms in some oil
Now add the pasta rice about 2 cups (or risotto if you prefer). Fry until all rice is coated in oil.
Now add stock slowly about 6 cups of veg or chicken stock.Stir continuously adding stock till
pasta rice (or risotto)cooked. Add peas and the chopped mint at the end and stir. Season with some black pepper and serve.
Found this Rosmarino in Woolworths and this was the
 inspiration for dish- you could also do this same dish with Risotto.
My must have ingredient: Avo oil infused with garlic is fantastic! It is also available with lemon.

I served it in an oval dish with mint to garnish.

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