Tuesday, May 10, 2011

What Sup: Simple Pasta (that takes only 20 min to make!)

When you have had a long day at work this dinner is perfect,
simple ingredients that are packed with flavour make this a great pasta dish.

While your fresh pasta is boiling for 8 min you can fry up the rest of the ingredients, fry the following in olive oil: cherry tomatoes,baby marrows in thin slices (ribbons), 1 clove garlic, green chilly if you like a bite and fresh sage. I also added a little butter and the juice from 1 lemon as well as a little lemon zest. Black pepper and salt to taste.

Always go for fresh pasta if you can, its so much better! This was only R15,99 at Woolworths and is enough to feed 4.

To finish off this pasta dish you MUST have strong Italian cheese to sprinkle on top. I used Parmasen.
Dinner sorted in only 20 min!

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