Tuesday, January 18, 2011

What Sup: prawns on potatoe rosti

You will need: 4 prawns (without shell and vein removed), butter, 1tsp lemon juice,1 clove garlic,1 can baby potatoes, 1 packet instant mash, 1 onion , flour, egg, 1 red pepper. To garnish: cucumber and little parsley and baby tomatoes.
These are perfect for snack or even a starter. Fry prawns in butter garlic and lemon, add tsp on mayo once prawns have cooled to room temp.

Set aside while making potatoe rosties: (these are available in frozen section at Woolworths) or you can make them:
Grate a tin of drained New Potatoes using a coarse grater
Add an egg and season to taste
Add finely chopped onion
Make a runny mix of instant mash (about 1/3rd the amount of grated spud you have)
Gently mix it all together use milk to adjust the runnyness so you have a spoonable mixture.
Spoon into frying pan and pat down- Fry for a few minutes on each side. Also you can substitute the instant mash for flour and you can also use raw potatoes but it is much harder to get them cooked correctly without burning.

Spoon prawn mixture onto rosti and decorate with cucumber and herbs.

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