Thursday, January 20, 2011

What Sup: Mussels in a coconut broth

You will need 1 pack mussels (frozen are fine), 1 tin coconut milk, Thai Curry paste, crushed garlic,ginger and chillies, chopped red onion,celery, butter ,1 chicken stock cube and  fresh coriander.

Fry in butter: onion, garlic and ginger with the curry paste. Now add 1 cup water and stock cube amd stir. Add in mussels (the mussels should be cleaned and steamed prior to this in a separate pot, throw away any mussels that do not open after steaming for 10 min). Allow the mussels to cook in the broth for a min and add the tin of coconut milk. Lastly add the chopped coriander and stir.  Serve with rice or fresh bread.

All recipes are on Petitchef

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