Thursday, January 12, 2012

What Sup: Tuscan Chicken with Roasted Vegetables

This is a simple chicken dish that is easy to make and perfect for a dinner party. You just can't go wrong with tomatoes, basil and garlic as the base to your meal!
You will need:
Chicken pieces, any pieces you like-this is also great with chicken breasts
Cherry tomatoes 1 cup
Basil leaves- I LOVE basil so put in 2 cups
Chopped tomatoes (2 cans)
Spring onion
Olive oil to coat chicken
1tbs brown sugar
Garlic, 1 clove
Olives optional
First coat your chicken pieces with olive oil, salt, pepper and the chopped garlic and place in an ovenproof dish. Cover chicken with all the other ingredients and bake on 180 degrees for 1 hour. The tomato thickens into a rich velvety sauce!

To accompany the chicken I made roasted butternut, halloumi (or feta if you don't like halloumi/cheaper option) and spring onion. Coat the veg in olive oil and nutmeg and pop in the oven with the chicken.

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