Monday, January 23, 2012

What Sup: Frozen Chocolate Mousse

With the heat wave in Cape Town this week and the long hot summer days ahead, a frozen dessert recipe is a must. Anyone that knows me well, knows I usually buy desserts from Woolworths as I really hate measuring accurately....I only try dessert recipes that have been tried and tested by family. My sister in law made this mousse and I'm glad she did!

You will need:
200g bittersweet chocolate chopped
2 large eggs plus 2 yolks
100g castor sugar
1tsp vanilla extract
tbsp whiskey or any booze of your choice (Amaretto could also be great)
250g whipping cream
cocoa powder for dusting

Melt chocolate in bowl set over a pan of gently boiling water.Cool for 3 min. in a separate bowl beat eggs and sugar until pale and thick.
Add melted choc and beat vigorously for 4 min, then add booze and vanilla extract.
In a separate bowl beat cream until it forms peaks, now fold in to chocolate mixture and pour into loaf tin cover and freeze overnight. Take out of freezer 15 min before serving and dust in cocoa powder.

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