Monday, October 24, 2011

What Sup: Carrot, sweet potato and garlic soup

With cold weather in Cape Town this week, I went out and bought a selection of vegetables over the weekend to make soups. My first soup, a sweet potato soup with onion dumplings.
You will need the following for this soup:
2 bulbs garlic
About 3 cups diced orange sweet potato
2 large carrots peeled and finely grated
1,5 chicken stock/or veg stock if you prefer
Start by frying garlic in some olive oil,add stock potato and the grated carrot.Simmer until potatoes soft and smooth with a blender or food processor. Serve with onion "dumplings".

Onion Dumplings: 150g wholemeal flour, 1 egg whisked, 6tbs olive oil,- very finely grated onion and 2 tsp chopped fresh oregano. Beat flour and egg, squash grated onion into little balls (the secret with the grated onion is to squeeze out as much liquid before forming ball). Coat onion in the batter before frying till golden brown.

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