Monday, October 24, 2011

What Sup: Broccoli and Stilton soup

You will need:
Olive oil
6 spring onions finely chopped
600g broccoli (I used frozen as it has a mild flavour compared to fresh)
70g oatmeal (this might sound like an odd ingredient but thickens the soup and adds a creamy texture)
The combination of broccoli and oatmeal make a surprisingly light and delicate soup with huge health benefits!
750ml skim milk
750ml stock (veg or chicken stock)

Start off by heating the oil and sweat spring onion for about 5min. Add broccoli and stir gently for few min, add oatmeal still stirring for another 5 min. Pour milk and stock into the pot and cover, simmer on very low heat for 20 min and season to taste. Smooth with hand blender or food processor and garnish with the Stilton cheese and some chives.The Stilton will melt into the soup adding a strong smokey flavour.

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