Wednesday, October 12, 2011

What Sup: Creamy butternut, spinach and feta pie with green beans and garlic new potatoes

Butternut and spinach pie
This is my version of a "diet" pie, if such a thing really existed! Instead of having loads of pastry, I use only a small amount on top of the filling. I used a delicious heathy filling of creamy butternut, spinach and feta.
You will need the following to make the pie: bag of baby spinach (sounds like alot but it shrinks when cooked), butternut (1 cup diced and roasted with nutmeg), feta, onion,rolled puff pastry. you will also need the following to finish the sauce: milk, flour and marg to thicken the sauce.

To make this filling fry onion in olive oil and add spinach leaves, add the roated butternut (if you are lazy or dont have the time to roast butter nut microwave on high for 4 min). Add half a cuo of milk and stir. Simmer for 2 min.
Make a paste with 1 tsb marg and 1tsp flour and add into mixture slowly till the sauce thickens.

Spoon mixture into small ovenproof dish, add the feta pieces and top with a pastry. Bake till pastry golden brown.

Side dish: Green beans, mint leaves, onion, thick slice of ham and chicken stock powder. Baby potatoes can be boiled and coated in a little garlic butter or olive oil.

Fry the onion and add ham, fry till ham is crispy and add green beans and chopped mint leaves as well as the stock powder. Simmer on low heat till the beans are cooked.

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