Thursday, July 26, 2012


Baked aubergine is a favorite of mine lately and have started making this vegetarian dish once a week. It is a great dinner that is healthy and packed full of flavor.

You will need: 
2 large aubergines sliced into medallions. 
1 large onion finely chopped
2 cloves garlic finely chopped
1 tin of chopped diced tomato
Half a cup red wine
2 baby marrows grated
3 tbs tomato paste
3/4 cup chicken stock
Half a cup breadcrumbs
Half a cup parmigiana cheese grated (you could use any other cheese you like)

To start brush aubergine with olive oil and fry till golden on both sides. Season with salt and black pepper. Set aside and start on the tomato sauce.

Fry onion till translucent and add the garlic. Add tin of tomato,paste, stock,wine and the grated baby marrow. Reduce till it thicken and creates a rich sauce.

Layer the aubergine and sauce (like you would a lasagna) and top with the bread crumbs and cheese. Bake for 30 min in over 200c till cheese and bread crumbs form a golden crust.

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