Thursday, July 26, 2012

Easy Rusk Recipe

Anyone who knows me well, will tell you that I prefer cooking dinner to baking any day. I leave baking to the professionals at Woolworths! This recipe however, is fool proof and I have been making my own rusks ever since.

You will need:
4 cups self raising flour
Half a cup margarine or butter
Half to 3/4 light brown sugar
3/4 cups buttermilk (or just add a tbsp of lemon juice to your milk and stir till it thickens)
1 egg (beaten)
Half a cup muesli and handful of raisins

Start by preheating oven to 200 degrees c.
Sift flour and rub in margarine, mix in sugar and stir in the egg and milk.
Work with hands till it forms a dough. (note: The dough will be fairly dry- see photo below)
Press dough flat into a baking tray that has been greased or has been coated with non stick cooking spray. Cut flattened dough into rectangle and place in oven. Bake for 1 hour and then remove and separate the rusks.
Place them back in the oven and switch oven OFF. Leave them in oven overnight to dry out. Repeat this drying out process if not completely dry by morning.
Enjoy with a hot cuppa!

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