Friday, April 15, 2011

What Sup: Herb Salad with Quiche (mushrooms,coriander,sundried tomatoes and parmesan)

I made a salad with fresh herbs:
Rocket, watercress, baby spinach and mint.
I added cranberries and raw shredded beetroot and red onion.

Ingredients for quiche:
exotic mushrooms,coriander,baby sun dried tomatoes and Parmesan/or any strong cheese

I bought pre-made puff pastry and lined dish, remember to use Spray and Cook so it does not stick! I then added the mixture (this consisted of 6 eggs, dash of cream, 1tsp mustard, salt and pepper- beat with whisk). Then add all the rest of the ingredients (place them evenly). Bake at 180 degrees for 30 min.

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