Wednesday, October 20, 2010

What sup: stuffed peppers,roasted chicken breasts and side salad

You will need: red peppers,couscous,feta,pumpkin seeds, chicken breasts, herbs for chicken(sage great),olive oil, rocket and watercress, cucumber.

Marinade Ingredients: garlic,worcester sauce,chutney and tom sauce(splash of wine if you have)
Cut the top of the pepper off so they have a little hat :) and remove the seeds inside. Stuff red peppers with couscous (pumkin seeds and feta added to the couscous with a generous spoon of butter) and bake in the over for 35 min at 180 degrees. Remember to put the hats back on the peppers before you bake them!

Coat chicken breasts in marinade ( Marinade: Mince the garlic and place it in a mixing. Chop the herbs into small pieces and place them in the bowl with the worcester sauce, chutney and a little tom sauce. If you have vino in the house thats even better)and bake with tin foil for 20 min and then remove tin foil and bake for another 20.

The side salad should be simple because the chicken and pepper packed with flavour:Some rocket leaves, watercress, cucumber and a vinigarette.

I will add photos tomorrow but only if it's splediferous!

Stuffed Bell Peppers on FoodistaStuffed Bell Peppers


  1. Think it was worthy of a pic:)Thanks to my photographer Jason!

  2. You are so talented, it think I smell BB's Bistro and Wine Bar on the horizon....

  3. Yum!This looks delicious.I saw your blog from the foodie blog roll and I like what you have here.if you won't mind I'd love to guide Foodista readers to this post.Just add the stuffed pepper widget at the end of this post and it's all set, Thanks!

  4. If only I know waht a widget was:( still so new at this!
