Friday, November 5, 2010

What sup: Celebration food

She got the job! This was definitely reason to celebrate, it's always the best feeling to see your friends succeed! I decided to spoil my friend Meagan in the best way I know how.....create a scrumptious dinner and drink some champagne!
We started with a platter and soup.
Selection of cold meat ,cheese, preserves and crackers. There was biltong on this platter but it disappeared:)

Pea,Mint and Ham soup
We discussed everything form politics to our dreams for the future.......all while the Peri chicken,new potatoes,carrots and butternut with rosemary and green beans with garlic roasted in the oven!I used an unusual spice with the green beans and it was great!I used Dukkah nut and spice blend.
Roasted Peri Peri Chicken with Baby Potatoes and Tomatoes

Green Beans with Onion,Butter,Garlic and Dukkah

Butternut,Carrots and Rosemary


  1. Aaahhh i see the orange and vanilla suryp there on the platter, looks awesome!

  2. When i see all your delicious meals, it makes me feel like the laziest person in the world.
